Sounds like you're angling for a fork. I do wonder why you'd need the L1 JTF's blessings for that? It's not like Ed and company have any say whether the community decides to back this initiative or not. They're paid to do L1 work, not act as kingmakers for the chain.

Is there a part 3/3 of the article coming out, or was this it?

- Rabbi

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Jan 11, 2023·edited Jan 11, 2023Author

yes, a fork, with a massive LUNC airdrop, is definitely the most interesting way to go imo.

Nobody would need L1TF's blessing for a fork, by definition. Where you see that being asked for?

I just don't think they have the bandwidth to deal with it

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I assumed you'd query the L1TF due to this line:

"So it makes the most sense for a team w/ different ideas, such as ours, to let the L1TF sanction a community-driven USTC recovery effort..."

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Lighting the chain on fire and pouring gasoline all over it would do less damage than collateralizing with BTC. I know you're nuts, but come on man...

A USTC split would be preferable. You're better off with fewer long-term hodlers/believers than a bloated legion of sellers who'll unload their bags at the most inopportune moment.

Finally, good luck defending the peg with little/no liquidity and few (dApp) incentives.

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Lmao take your meds.

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Can't, you're hoarding the supply.

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